Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just a notice

Hey everyone,

This is just a very quick note to let you know about a few things.

When I originally started the blog I had the intention of keeping a running series of long philosophical diatribes interspersed with other materials. The series was simply titled My Beliefs, and I only ever published Part One (I stalled mid-way through Part Two). Instead of keeping to that series I branched out and addressed other topics as they came to me, something I continue to do currently. Given that I have started on a more narrowly-focussed series (Ethics) and that I have others planned, I have decided to do some slight reshaping.

First of all, My Beliefs is now gone. The tag from that first post is gone and that post (Part One: God) has had the 'Part One' removed. This should remove any confusion for any new readers, although I have kept the Introduction post as-is because I don't want to edit or remove it (just yet, at least).

Second of all, I'm just stating that Ethics will continue and Chapter Four is in the works. I've just decided to do a couple of smaller intermediate posts to keep things moving; there's nothing worse than stagnation after all, especially after such a long break from writing. I hope to maintain this style of regular updating in the future, but I offer no guarantees.

In case any of you were doubting me, I do in fact have a long list of future topics as well as a couple of half-finished posts in the backlog yet to be published. The world is a crazy place and it's full of crazy people, so there's no shortage of material, and so long as that is the case I will keep jotting down my thoughts on them, you can be certain of that.

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